Grammar Lessons
I'm tired of all the "Got XX?" t-shirts, from "Got milk?" to "Got DNA?" to "Got beer?" I'd like to make a shirt that says "Have grammar?" (I do, however, like recent t-shirts I've seen, such as: "Boobies make me smile" and "I heart carbs." )
Also, I am really annoyed by the new cell phone ads with the catch phrase "Where you at?" Don't they know about dangling participles!!
runaway oranges
Oh no - it's already been a week and I feel like I'm behind schedule or something because I haven't written a thing. So, this will most likely become my occasional blog rather than a daily one.
Funny thing...Mika picked a mini orange off of our bonsai tree (which she knows is off-limits); when she saw me coming, she turned and started to book down the driveway. This, from a girl who's only been walking for a few weeks! The little stinker thought she could actually get away!
She's a little escape artist. She tries to get out of the security gate; I've seen her reach for a door handle; she
can squeeze through the tiniest places! I also think that if she had a Viking name it would be Mika the Destroyer. She is a STRONG little girl. I've seen her push her stroller from the sidewalk up and over onto a grassy hill; she can lift a large cantaloupe; and she can hold an oatmeal-covered spoon with a death-grip!