e's blog

Thursday, August 25, 2005

e's blog

Welcome to e's blog.

I'm not quite sure what this blog will be used for, but likely it'll contain a lot of stories and info about my daughter, Mika. I couldn't be more proud to be her Mom. I've wanted to be a Mom since as long as I can remember. I am so glad it happened when it did in my life - AFTER having met and married (at age 30) my best friend, Shawn, and not when I was 25 and had the first real maternal urges. My mother stayed at home when we were growing up and she was a huge influence on my life. I'm proud to be her daughter, as she has taught me well.

There is much to do before Mika wakes from her nap, so I must sign off this first session. Here's to a future of who knows what.
